**Statement on Recent Courtesy Visit to Mr. President by The Patriots**

**Statement on Recent Courtesy Visit to Mr. President by The Patriots**
img. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu 

I have observed with deep concern the recent visit by some members of The Patriots to the president, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, where they canvassed for a new constitution for our beloved country, Nigeria. As a founding member of this esteemed group and an elder statesman committed to the well-being of our nation, I must express my reservations about both the process and the content of the submission made during this visit.

First, it is regrettable that due process was not followed in articulating the views that were presented to the president. A matter of such national importance requires thorough consultation, inclusive deliberation and the consensus of all founding members. The exclusion of key voices, particularly in a group like The Patriots, undermines the credibility and unity of our mission. It is essential that our decisions and representations are rooted in collective wisdom and not rushed or unilateral actions.

Second, I align with the views expressed by President Olusegun Obasanjo that the core problem facing Nigeria is not necessarily the constitution or the tenure of office. The crux of our challenges lies in the attitude and character of those who operate the constitution. Without a change in the mindset and conduct of our leaders, even the most perfectly crafted constitution will fail to deliver the progress and stability we seek.

In light of these concerns, I propose a more effective approach for The Patriots going forward. We must prioritize internal cohesion and rigorous debate before engaging in external advocacy. Our efforts should focus on promoting ethical leadership, accountability, and civic responsibility among those entrusted with governance. Only by addressing these fundamental issues can we hope to create a Nigeria that truly reflects the aspirations of its people.

Let us remain steadfast in our commitment to the principles that brought us together, and ensure that our actions are always guided by the best interests of our nation. Finally, I advise the president to tread carefully, consult widely and think thoroughly on this matter as it relates directly to the interests of all Nigerians if the country is not to be plunged into chaos and instability. 

*Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, OFR*

Shared By Dr. Umar Ardo PhD on the Northern Nigeria Perspective Magazine WhatsApp Platform

Monidafe (WhatsApp)
I agree with the Elder Statesman about the convening of a National Conference because it is self-serving and totally unacceptable to many people. Remember that many of us, who were young people when the Patriots started their agitation have grown up to become Grandparents. 
I also speak for millions of Nigerians, who were born in different States aside from where our Parents were from!
A good example is my humble self; I will 68 years next month and I don't think I will be allowed to represent my place of birth. And I speak for millions of people!

Secondly, we have many reports of several talk shows ( I call them shows for obvious reasons) with many White Papers that are yet to be implemented!

Thirdly, President Tinubu doesn't have a convene a National Conference to know what our problems are; he knows them!

With this little submission I hope that the President knows what to do! 

Rev. Dr. Philimon Saredau (WhatsApp)
Dr.Ardo,Nigeria this time around has the president is vast and knowleable of most of our predicament.
I believe given time PBAT will resolve some of our problems to minimum.
Keep faith and time shall tell God willing.


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