Agitators for Biafara are holding the wrong end of the stick - F. J. F.

Forwarded AGITATORS FOR BIAFRA ARE HOLDING THE WRONG END OF THE STICK Agitators for Biafara are not well schooled in the art of struggle for freedom. How can you inflict economic pains to those you intend to liberate. You tried violence in the past and it failed. Go learn about non violent method from Mahatma Ghadi, Martin Luther ( JR) which worked very well for them. Mahatma Ghadi secured independence for India, while that of Martin Luther, it relatively ended racial discrimination. Nelson Mandela tried guerrilla war, it didn’t work. In the end he was imprisoned. Back from prison, he deplored new strategies. One he engaged the apartheid regime in dialogue which won blacks some rights. Secondly he put sustained pressure on international community to persuade their ally- the apartheid regime to end the obnoxious system. Thirdly he worked on himself to be moderate, a none communist and somebody who will not send the whites parking like Zimbabwe by promising not to dispos...