The Repeat of 1966, Drums of war. 🥁 ⚔️ part II

THE REPEAT OF 1966, DRUMS OF WAR. PART TWO. THE JOURNEY FROM LAGOS TO GAMBE VILLAGE, DECEMBER 1966. My narrative, the 'The repeat of 1966, drums of war' in my earlier post was the beginning of the scenario that led to the fracticidal, brutal and deadly Nigerian civil war, as a consequence of the crisis which ensued after the gruesome coup de tat of the 15th January 1966, where some majority Igbo military officers spear headed the controversial coup that eliminated majority political and senior military officers from the Northern and Western Regions of Nigeria without a loss of life of any from the Igbo Eastern Nigeria. Lagos was as ever a bustling city and it remained so in spite of the monumental episode, the military coup that took place less than two months earlier, when I arrived Lagos to resume studies at Federal Science School, FSS Lagos. It appeared people in Lagos were oblivious of the happenings in the country, even though the main theater of action of the cou...