Coordinated attack been launched on Nigeria: A Blitzkrieg operation

The elements of media accentuated by social media space and main stream media, the television, radio and print media outfits are being employed by interest groups (enemies of Nigeria) in collaboration with entities outside the country, in a Coordinating manner to bring down Nigerian government by making the country ungovernable. So the faceless enemies within in active encouragement and collaboration with the: 1. Media 2. Human Rights Groups. 3. Non Governmental Organizations, NGOs. 4. International Criminals Court, ICC. 5. Boko Haram, BH. 6. Armnesty International, AI. 7. Super Tucano Deliberate Delay of Delivery of order to Nigeria military thereby buying time for Boko Haram insurgency. 8. Black Lives Matters decided to pokenose into Nigeria's affairs in order to beef up on the squeeze on Nigeria following it recent successful global outing. 9. CNN billed airing of program focussing on Human Right Abuses in Nigeria, a synchronized timing for the squeeze on Nigeria. 10. D. J. Swi...