Can Nigerian Kids compete favorably with kids around the world after 2020?!

Under the Clinton's Presidency, Chinese domination of the PHD programs in the US *became a national security issue.* *They will research, defend and return to China and set business to rivals American business and efforts.* Here is the result. *"On Made In China 2025.* On several occasions I run across these Chinese kids here in Georgia Tech, what surprises me is the type of courses they study. *Almost all of them under Chinese government scholarship* here to study in *Americas best universities are studying courses that have to do with the future.* They study artificial intelligence, systems science and engineering, and hard core courses for tommorows World, *their social lives are zero and they always hold sophisticated telephones.* _Very suprizing, but China is a country that thinks ahead and every Chinese is a potential suspect._ *Have you ever heard of the concept, made in China 2025?* It is Chinese Development blueprint that had sent f...